







  • 第1步:输入产品物料编码;
  • 第2步:选择版本号;
  • 第3步:单击【展开】按钮,调出该产品的BOM全阶展开用料表;
  • 第4步:单击树状节点,右边显示对应用料明细;
  • 第5步:显示对应树状节点的物料信息;
  • 第6步:显示对应树状节点的用料信息。



  • 第1步:选择树状“全阶”节点;
  • 第2步:选择取价选项,说明如下:
    • 最新采购价:取自采购订单最新单价。
    • 厂商价格表:取自供应商价格表,最新最低的价格。
    • 存货结存价:取自存货核算后的最新结存价格。
  • 第3步:单击【取价】按钮,输出各末阶物料的价格。
  • 第4步:对应节点产品的材料金额合计。
  • 第5步:对应节点产品用料的材料明细。


1)具体配置 操作详见: 计划相关参数配置  文章源自云上网-http://www.ysmis.cn/1373.html


  • select
    母件编码 as mmatecode, ---字符型
    母件名称 as matepart, ---字符型
    母件型号 as matestvd, ---字符型
    单位 as mainunit, ---字符型
    版本号 as Visoncode, ---字符型
    版本说明 as Visonname, ---字符型
    版本日期 as Visondate, ---日期型
    子件编码 as zmatecode, ---字符型
    子件名称 as zmatepart, ---字符型
    子件型号 as zmatestvd, ---字符型
    子单位 as zmainunit, ---字符型
    基本用量 as molqty, ---数值型
    基础数量 as denqty, ---数值型
    损耗率 as lossrate, ---整数型
    子件版本 as zvisoncode, ---字符型
    定位符 as locator, ---数值型
    毛需求 as mmrp, ---整数型
    备注 as Remarkss, ---字符型
    母件+版本号 as mjid, ---字符型
    子件+版本号 as zjid, ---字符型
    母件描述 as mmatename, ---字符型
    子件描述 as zmatename, ---字符型
    BOM子表ID as ZID,---整数型
    BOM主表ID as ID,---整数型
    状态 as ZTID ---整数型
    from 第三方ERP系统BOM表
  • 第三方ERP示例语句,软件名称:用友ERPU8
select a.invcode as mmatecode,a.invname as mmatepart,a.invstd as mmatestvd,a.invunitname as mainunit,a.[version] as Visoncode,
a.versiondesc as Visonname,a.versioneffdate as Visondate,b.dinvcode as zmatecode,b.dinvname as zmatepart,b.dinvstd as zmatestvd,
b.dinvunitname as zmainunit,b.dbaseqtyn as Molqty,b.dbaseqtyd as Denqty,c.[version] as zvisoncode,b.dcompscrap as Lossrate,
B.DDefine_31 AS locator,d.plansx,b.dremark as Remarks,a.bomstate as cstate,a.BOMID AS ID,b.OpComponentId AS ZID,
a.invname+'  '+a.invstd as mmatename,b.dinvname+'  '+isnull(b.dinvstd,'') as zmatename,x.PartId as mjid,y.PartId as zjid
from v_bom_head as a inner join v_bom_detail b on a.bomid = b.bomid
inner join bas_part x on a.InvCode=x.InvCode
inner join bas_part y on b.dinvcode=y.InvCode
(select a.invcode,b.[version] from (select MAX(BOMID) as bomid,InvCode from v_bom_head GROUP BY InvCode) a
left outer join v_bom_head b on a.bomid=b.bomid) as c on b.DInvCode=c.InvCode
left outer join
(select cinvcode,case when iPlanDefault=1 then '自制件' when iPlanDefault=2 then '委外件'  else '采购件' end as plansx
from inventory ) as d on b.dinvcode = d.cinvcode
  • select
    物料编码 as matecode, ---字符型
    单价 as price  ---数值型
    from 第三方ERP系统采购订单表
  • 第三方ERP示例语句,软件名称:用友ERPU8
Select cInvCode as matecode,Convert(decimal(18,4),iNatUnitPrice) as price from PO_Podetails where ID In (Select MAX(id) from PO_Podetails a,PO_Pomain b where isnull(iNatUnitPrice,0)>0 and a.POID=b.POID And cstate= 1  group by cInvCode)
  • select
    物料编码 as matecode, ---字符型
    单价 as price  ---数值型
    from 第三方ERP系统厂商价格表
  • 第三方ERP示例语句,软件名称:用友ERPU8
Select cInvCode as matecode,Price from (Select a.autoid,a.cinvcode,a.iunitprice*isnull(b.nflat,1) price
from Ven_Inv_Price a left outer join
(Select a.cexch_name,b.nflat,b.iperiod from (Select cexch_name,max(iperiod) iperiod
from exch group by cexch_name) a inner join exch b on a.iperiod = b.iperiod And a.cexch_name = b.cexch_name) b on a.cexch_name = b.cexch_name) a
where autoid In(Select MAX(autoid) from (Select a.autoid,a.cinvcode,a.iunitprice*isnull(b.nflat,1) price from Ven_Inv_Price a left outer join
(Select a.cexch_name,b.nflat,b.iperiod from (Select cexch_name,max(iperiod) iperiod from exch group by cexch_name) a
inner join exch b on a.iperiod = b.iperiod And a.cexch_name = b.cexch_name) b on a.cexch_name = b.cexch_name) b group by cInvCode )
  • select
    物料编码 as matecode, ---字符型
    单价 as price  ---数值型
    from 第三方ERP系统存货价格表
  • 第三方ERP示例语句,软件名称:用友ERPU8

Select cInvCode as matecode,(Case when ISNULL(iInCost,-99999)= -99999 Then ISNULL(iOutCost,0) Else ISNULL(iInCost,0) End) As price from IA_Subsidiary where autoid In (Select MAX(autoid) from IA_Subsidiary where isnull(iInCost,0)>0 Or isnull(iOutCost,0)>0 group by cInvCode)